Improve Fluency and Increase Vocabulary

We all know that independent reading is a hugely important part of a student’s success in school and beyond into their adult life. Reading independently on a regular basis helps students improve their fluency and enhance their vocabulary. It also encourages them to think critically, and may even open them up to a fun new hobby.

Independent reading can often be the difference that transforms a struggling or reluctant reader into an avid one. But the challenge faced is that if a student has trouble with reading, they’re probably less inclined to want to do it. This is when it becomes extra important for students to have access to engaging, interesting reading material of their choosing.

In this guide you’ll get access to:

Our recommended websites that are filled with content that’s educational and, most importantly, fun and engaging for students to read. From kid-friendly current events to fascinating reads on scientific discoveries and famous movie actors, you’re sure to find something for everyone here.

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