Watch our recorded webinar session

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the government's containment measures will have a lasting impact on the economy, businesses, and working lives. Many organisations have had to make rapid changes to how they operate - from how and where jobs are carried out to planning for staff returning to work safely.

Employees in turn, are having to navigate new ways of working as well as adapt to changing circumstances in their personal life. Some are adapting better than others.

For those with neurodiverse conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and Asperger's, the new ways of working can be particularly overwhelming. What measures can you introduce to ensure all your staff are fully supported at work?

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Gain insights from the experts

Hear from neurodiversity and technology experts, Aidan Healy, CEO at Lexxic and Stuart Blair, Workplace Product Manager at Texthelp, as they explore strategies that can be easily applied to every business to better support neurodiverse staff at work.

Gain first hand insight from Taljinder, an inclusive technology user who shares her experiences living - and working - with neurodiversities and provides insight into her coping strategies and support technologies.

Key takeaways include:
  • An overview of some of the most common neurodiversities, their traits, and common challenges,
  • Introduction to government funded grant support that's available to all businesses and how to apply,
  • Insight into how inclusive technology is a great enabler in today's work spaces,

This webinar will particularly benefit...

Senior level HR and D&I professionals with responsibilities for supporting and retaining talent.

This includes Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Managers, Training and Development Managers, and Employee Engagement Managers. It will also benefit anyone looking to optimise their remote teams, empower individuals to work indpendently with confidence, and promote staff wellbeing.

Meet our webinar speakers

Headshot of Aidan Healy

Aidan Healy, CEO, Lexxic

Business Psychologist and CEO of Lexxic, Aidan, is on a mission to create a working world where all minds belong. With 15 years experience in people development roles and holding qualifications in psychology, leadership development, and coaching - he's got what it takes. Lexxic are a specialist consultancy who are leaders in the field of neurodiversity in the workplace. With a 13-year track record, they partner with organisations to empower neurodiverse talent and help them become neurodiversity smart.

Headshot of Stuart Blair

Stuart Blair, Workplace Product Manager, Texthelp

With a background in helping to create inclusive working environments where everyone can achieve their personal and professional goals, Stuart has a keen interest in removing barriers through the use of innovative and inclusive technology to provide equal access for everyone. Throughout Stuart's career, he has worked alongside large government bodies, small start-up businesses, and everything inbetween. He cares deeply about unlocking everyone's full potential and believes inclusive technology is a great enabler.

Headshot of Taljinder Duggal

Taljinder Duggal, Inclusive Technology User

With years of experience in corporate communications and engagement analysis, Taljinder, spends much of her working day developing and writing engagement plans and progress reports to present to senior management. It's a fast-paced role that requires the ability to synthesise complex information and produce effective written communications. Inclusive tools help Taljinder to unlock communication barriers that would otherwise exist in her everyday - empowering her to work independently and with greater confidence.